Things to Do in Dennis Port, MA

  • Our list of the best things to do in Dennis Port, Massachusetts, features the top 269 nearby activities — including 139 great attractions with user approval ratings of 90% or more!
  • Dennis Port, MA has a variety of great sights and experiences nearby. Top categories include: Outdoor Places, Museums & Galleries, Sights & Landmarks, and Water Activities.
  • The results below include the top 4 things to do within the city of Dennis Port, MA , followed by 266 popular activities in nearby cities, including Hyannis, Barnstable, Brewster, Wellfleet, Chatham, Dennis, Sandwich, Eastham, Orleans, Harwich, South Yarmouth, Truro, Mashpee, Harwich Port, West Yarmouth and Plymouth
Showing 431-440 of 481
37.0 Miles
96% 23 votes
Scenic Walks North Road, Chilmark, MA 2535 MoreLess Info
Menemsha Hills is a nature reserve located on the island of Martha's Vineyards. It comprises of multiple picnic sites and sightseeing points in addition to a number of nature trails which can be used for hiking.
38.7 Miles
96% 56 votes
Other Shopping State Rd, Chilmark, MA MoreLess Info
The most famous confection company in Massachusetts is Chilmark Chocolates, located in Chilmark. The store is open Thursday through Sunday and employs many individuals with developmental disabilities. The story is tiny, so visitors should expect to wait in line outside the building.
38.8 Miles
91% 35 votes
Beaches Chilmark, MA MoreLess Info
Chilmark, Massachusetts is home to the Lucy Vincent Beach, a gorgeous expanse of sand in Cape Cod. It is open to the public between September and June, but only Chilmark residents with valid passes may use the beach from June to September.
39.1 Miles
94% 103 votes
Beaches adjacent to Dutcher's Dock, Menemsha, MA MoreLess Info
Located adjacent to the Menemsha Harbor is the Menemsha Public Beach which provides one of the best sunset views in Martha's Vineyards.
40.3 Miles
86% 97 votes
Parks 1000 S Rodney French Boulevard, New Bedford, MA 02744 MoreLess Info
New Bedford's Fort Taber Park is a popular place for military reenactments of battles that took place in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars. The park also includes Fort Rodman and is managed by a non-profit institution dedicated to local history.
40.4 Miles
100% 5 votes
Other Tours 14 Winemack Street, Vineyard Haven, MA 02557 MoreLess Info
Whether it be for a wedding, golf outing, or just a vacation visit, Martha's Vineyard Transport & Tours offers visitors with transportation all around the island of Martha's Vineyard. One hour, two hour, full island, and customizable tours are available.
40.9 Miles
92% 25 votes
Other Services 66B State Pier, New Bedford, MA 02740 MoreLess Info
CuttyHunk Ferry Co. carries up to 149 passengers to and from Cuttyhunk Island in one hour. Seal cruises and sunset cruises are also available. On board, guests will enjoy a beer and wine bar, espresso bar, snacks and beverages.
40.9 Miles
85% 13 votes
Other Services 49 State Pier, New Bedford, MA 02740 MoreLess Info
New England Fast Ferry provides fast passenger ferry service from New Bedford to Oak Bluffs and Vineyard Haven in Martha's Vineyard. Vessels are available to charter for events. Reservations are recommended, particularly in the summer.
40.9 Miles
100% 1 votes
Parks New Bedford Harbor, New Bedford, MA 2740 MoreLess Info
Featuring a walking path, Coast Guard Park offers visitors views of the ocean and the various fishing vessels at the docks. The park has a Lightship Sailors Memorial to honor the lives lost in a sinking accident in 1944.
41.1 Miles
98% 481 votes
Specialty Museums 18 Johnny Cake Hill, New Bedford, MA 02740 MoreLess Info
Established in 1903, New Bedford Whaling Museum houses one of the world's largest collection of artifacts related to the whaling industry including the world's largest whale ship model called the Lagoda as well as multiple art, science and history galleries.
Showing 431-440 of 481