Things to Do in Quechee, VT

  • Our list of the best things to do in Quechee, Vermont, features the top 105 nearby activities — including 66 great attractions with user approval ratings of 90% or more!
  • Quechee, VT has a variety of great sights and experiences nearby. Top categories include: Outdoor Places, Sights & Landmarks, Museums & Galleries, and Entertainment & Shows.
  • The results below include the top 12 things to do within the city of Quechee, VT , followed by 93 popular activities in nearby cities, including Woodstock, Windsor, Killington, Ludlow, Hanover, Norwich, White River Junction, Claremont, Plymouth, Cornish, Barnard, Enfield, Rutland, Ascutney, Chester and Fairlee
  • Our list of the best things to do in Quechee, Vermont, features the top 105 nearby activities — including 66 great attractions with user approval ratings of 90% or more!
  • Quechee, VT has a variety of great sights and experiences nearby. Top categories include: Outdoor Places, Sights & Landmarks, Museums & Galleries, and Entertainment & Shows.
  • The results below include the top 12 things to do within the city of Quechee, VT , followed by 93 popular activities in nearby cities, including Woodstock, Windsor, Killington, Ludlow, Hanover, Norwich, White River Junction, Claremont, Plymouth, Cornish, Barnard, Enfield, Rutland, Ascutney, Chester and Fairlee [+][-]
Showing 41-50 of 321
7.6 Miles
94% 107 votes
Colleges & Universities Hanover, NH 03755 MoreLess Info
A Hanover institution, Dartmouth College is a celebrated liberal arts school that is especially respected for its athletics and graphic arts programs. Dartmouth is also one of the top teacher-training schools in the United States.
7.6 Miles
96% 50 votes
Art Museum Wheelock St, Hanover, NH MoreLess Info
Hanover, New Hampshire's Hood Museum of Art is located on the campus of Dartmouth College. The museum is committed to arts education and the preservation of fine and historical artistic treasures.
7.6 Miles
100% 11 votes
Art Gallery 13 Lebanon Street, Hanover, NH 03755 MoreLess Info
League of NH Craftsmen Gallery features the work of hundreds of craftspeople in New England, with handmade art such as jewelry, metalwork, glass and woodwork. Certain artists are honored with public receptions at the gallery throughout the year.
8.4 Miles
96% 23 votes
Libraries Hinman Box 6025, Hanover, NH 03755 MoreLess Info
The Baker-Berry Library at Dartmouth College is the flagship library of the institution. It houses the social sciences and humanities collections. It contains two cafes, numerous group study spaces, private study booths and other amenities.
8.5 Miles
100% 2 votes
Arts & Crafts Classes East Wheelock St, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755 MoreLess Info
Designed by famed architect Wallace Harrison, the Hopkins Center for the Arts is the artistic center of the Dartmouth College campus. It is a film and performing arts venue that welcomes nationally and internationally touring performers.
9.1 Miles
91% 70 votes
Gardens 36 Park Road, Windsor, VT 05089 MoreLess Info
There are two separate areas of the Great River Outfitters & The Path of Life Garden. Specifically, the Great River Outfitters is an outdoor adventure outfitting company while the Path of Life is an expertly landscaped garden with 18 works of art on display.
9.2 Miles
100% 5 votes
Farmers Markets Norwich, VT 05055 MoreLess Info
On Saturday mornings, visitors can go to Norwich Farmers Market to shop for fresh produce and crafted goods. There are a variety of local vendors that bring goods from their craft studios and farms to the market.
9.2 Miles
91% 211 votes
Breweries 336 Ruth Carney Drive (off Route 5), Windsor, VT 05089 MoreLess Info
Tours of the Harpoon Brewery are available seven days a week throughout the year and include a beer tasting. The site also features the Beer Hall that offers views of Boston along with the brewing and canning facilities with Harpoon beer straight from the source and some snack foods.
9.2 Miles
75% 4 votes
Gardens 36 Park Way, Windsor, VT 05089 MoreLess Info
Visitors can travel through and view 18 works of art that represent a variety of elements of human life at Path of Life Sculpture Garden. The garden sculptures and surrounding expanse cover 14 acres.
9.4 Miles
71% 7 votes
Recreation Centers Reservoir Road, Hanover, NH MoreLess Info
Featuring a man-made 13-acre pond and sandy beaches, Storrs Pond Recreation Centre can be used for swimming, fishing and boating. There are also picnic areas, tennis and basketball courts as well as areas suitable for camping.
Showing 41-50 of 321